0xL4ugh CTF — SecureisShell

Eslam Akl
4 min readJan 16, 2021

Hey folks, Today we have an amazing machine in 0xL4ugh CTF competition

I’ve solved this machine with my friend Mohamed Saleh, Let’s get started…

Nmap Scan

We will start our scan with nmap scan

nmap -p- -T4 -A <ip>

we have 3 open ports 22/80/11211

HTTP Enumeration

After opening the website over port 80

We have found that it contain the default page of the server

after using gobuster to discover the directories

gobuster dir -u <ip> -w /path/to/wordlist

We have /robots.txt and after checking its content

we have /note.txt

It contains username and the method which the passwords were hashed, okay nice

for the /hidden directory

Let’s move to the next port

Memcached Enumeration

The third port is not familiar with us, it has a service called memcache and after searching about it we’ve found this definition from Wikipedia

And after searching for how to attack it, we’ve found this amazing resource

We’ve followed him and use memc tools, and I’ve found this file SuperSecureHiddenPassword and I dumped its content as you can see

We’ve tried to crack it using hashcat/john by using wordlist rockyou.txt and we’ve found that it will take a long time with no results, so we searched about the method which we’ve found before in the /note directory and discovered this amazing resource

We’ve created our wordlist and use it with john to crack the hash and it works

The password is wertyuytyu and we have a username from the note also

We can login with these credentials phoenix : wertyuytyu

We have 3 users and file which doesn’t have any useful information

Let’s try to escalate our privileges

I’ve found that I can execute a command as a jett without asking me for a password

We’ve tried to copy our id_rsa key into /home/jett/.ssh/authorized_keys but it fails

After checking the config file we’ve found this line

The file which should contain the rsa public key called UsePAM

So, we have tried to copy our id_rsa to home/jett/UsePAM

And then accessing the server with our private key

It works ❤

with the same method we can execute a command as brimstorm

The command is npm and after searching for what’s npm and how can it be dangerous, we’ve found this repo

We will try to escalate our privileges with the same way, copy our id_rsa to the brimstorm directory

We’ve downloaded the files and edited the evil command, and then run it as brimstorm

Let’s try to login using ssh

At the first I tried to decrypt this string, and it fails and after asking the support, they inform me that it’s the flag, and it was a trick :(


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Eslam Akl

Penetration Tester, Bug Hunter, Author of 10 CVEs, Author of multiple security tools, and more :) You can find me on Twitter @eslam3kll